Cacao Embodiment Ceremony

michelle allenIt is with deep reverence and love that Michelle Allen shares her offering of the sacred, ancient plant medicine, Maestro Cacao as our beloved Yoga Sanctuary is birthed into its new season of abundance and vitality.

“Weaving together the golden threads of my heart’s lineage through Cacao, gentle Yoga embodiment flow, sound journeying, Light Language transmissions, sacred smoke, plant essences and deep rest to soothe the nervous system and remember our most soulful and heart awakened state so that we may bring this through into all that we tend to.

Together let’s join hearts and hands to bless up our sacred Sanctuary space”.
With Love and blessings, Michelle.

Please contact us to register your interest in the next Cacao Embodiment Ceremony to be notified when the next date is scheduled.

Cacao Embodiment Ceremony