michelle allen

Yoga with Michelle Allen

Michelle Allen’s offerings are steeped in the Vinyasa roots and as she wisens with age so too do her classes. They have evolved to offer a slower, steadier more easeful asana practice married with pranayama and meditation.

Michelle’s wish is that you leave your practice together feeling grounded, connected, empowered and immersed into your softest way of Being. That you leave with the ability to expand your Heart’s own capacity and to readily receive your own insights, “the fruits of our listening”.

About Michelle Allen

Michelle’s Yoga journey began in 2004 as a devoted student of Yoga. Eight years later in 2012, with a curiosity in deepening her practice she began her journey into Teacher Training. This led her to study with Duncan Peak, Tiffany Cruikshank, Shiva Rea and Elena Brower.

“A qualified Shamanic Cacao Ceremonialist, Reiki – Masters level, Earth Warrior, Mama and Light Language channel. It is my deepest privilege to be in your practice, your presence, your Light.”

“Together, may we breathe our way Home.”


“Michelle is an experienced teacher who offers inspirational yoga classes to our community. Her classes are creative and flowing, with clear instructions to guide all levels. Michelle’s gentle guidance has increased my confidence and enhanced my abilities in practicing Yoga. I am ever grateful for Michelle’s beautiful classes that have enriched my connection to my heart, soul and spiritual resources”.

Coralie Gibson

“Its 9am on a Thursday, Michelle’s radiant smile greets me as I walk towards her down the hallway. We are all welcomed by the warmth of Michelle’s smile: the old and the young, the svelte and the comely, the agile and the stiff. She nourishes our bodies and cares for our minds with her thoughtful words. There is a sense of calm in Michelle’s class, beautifully matched by her choice of music, and no one seems to notice if I lie down on my mat and drift off to sleep… Michelle you are the essence of your classes, and you give us all a sense of belonging”.

Anne Russell

“The perfect balance of heart intelligence, movement and fluidity, breath work and stillness. And I LOVED the tapping. I find it such an emotional release, a lovely envlivening shift for me today. Thank you for the gift of practice.”

Tui Flemming

Find a class with Michelle

Monday 12:30-1:45pm Open level Vinyasa
Tuesday 12:30-1:45pm Open level Vinyasa
Wednesday 9:30-10:45am Open level Vinyasa

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