
About Denise Ferguson

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So far Denise Ferguson has created 12 blog entries.

Medicine, Alternatives & Bali Healing

Nyoman had begun harvesting the rice. Over many weeks, I had watched it progress from a waterlogged field with sprouting baby grasses to a lush green carpet. Once the grass sprouted, he stretched criss crossed string above with many torn flags and bells hanging from them. There he'd sit for hours, in the shade of [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:26:08+12:00November 1st, 2022|lifestyle|0 Comments

My experience in a Bali ICU

It was 2am and he woke with vomiting, fever and chills. As he froze under a pile of blankets in the 27 degree early morning heat I could see things were getting worse. We had to take the long drive back to the hospital and we had to leave as soon as we could. The [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:23:08+12:00July 19th, 2022|lifestyle|0 Comments

My Juice Cleanse

The science of it I became interested in juice cleanses after becoming intrigued by some articles by a Harvard scientist who studies longevity. According to the scientist Dr David Sinclair PhD A.O. "When you fast, you turn on [these] defences. And that's the reason I think they primarily work. It's not that blood flows better [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:21:37+12:00July 6th, 2022|lifestyle|2 Comments

Is the Vaccine Safe?

The tone of this blog changed dramatically over the course of 24 hours. I began wanting to hear both sides of the story to let readers make up their own mind. I asked myself the question, 'is the vaccine safe'. As I dug deeper and learned more, my mind became made up. I can find [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:20:06+12:00September 16th, 2021|lifestyle|23 Comments

Feminism, Attraction & Shiva Shakti

Shiva Shakti Shiva is a Hindu god commonly worshiped in yoga who represents destruction and creation. Shakti is the female counterpart who represents everything in this world that is alive. Understanding the Shiva Shakti archetypes can not only create more harmony within yourself, but it can create harmony, understanding, support and joy within your relationships [...]

By |2024-08-22T15:27:33+12:00July 29th, 2020|lifestyle, Yoga|1 Comment

Kundalini Awakening Stages

Kundalini Awakening Stages. A woman messaged me a couple of weeks ago very worried about her son who was having a frightening Kundalini Awakening. I never got to speak to the son, however I sent the woman to the expertise of a trained teacher (my Guru). A true sceptic, I am dubious about all things [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:16:59+12:00July 7th, 2020|lifestyle, Yoga|86 Comments

The Woman Who Loved Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga 2004 She is in her mid 20’s, reasonably healthy and strong. She loves to run along the Rio Grande near the home she shares with her guy. Hiking the mountains in the early morning brings her great joy. Out there, among the most beautiful wildflowers you’d ever see, she’d spot hyenas, skunks, chipmunks, [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:15:12+12:00February 18th, 2020|lifestyle, Vinyasa|0 Comments

My Yin Yoga Love Affair

I found a blog the other day by Melanie Huser that reminded me very much of my personal experience of Yin Yoga. A self confessed Vinyasa junkie, in my earlier yoga years if someone said they love Yin Yoga, I'd politely smile and inwardly think they were just less motivated than me. I saw Vinyasa as [...]

By |2024-07-20T17:08:22+12:00January 28th, 2020|lifestyle, Yin|0 Comments
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