TJ runs our 100-hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course.  It is a complete program providing everything you need to understand, guide and practice the nuanced art of Yin.

The program provides an in-depth look at what is happening in one’s body and mind during the practice, how to modify and assist, and the healing effects brought by this practice.

The course covers anatomical variation, teaching methodology, meridian channels, muscular anatomy, connective tissue, yin/yang philosophy, meditation, sequencing, chakras, fascia, cueing, joints, asana, chi and more.


TJ created and facilitates the upcoming Yin Yoga Teacher Training in May/June, 2019. His yoga story began when he received a book, the Tao Te Ching, as a gift from his sister 18 years ago. The book poetically explores ideas that resonated with him then and continue to guide him today.

Several years ago TJ’s journeys finally led him back to Taoism via Yin Yoga. He began with Bernie Clark’s 60 hour Yin training in Vancouver. Next, he studied with Corina Benner in her 30 hour Yin training in New York.

After that he found Stephanie Calhoun and took her 100 hour Yin training in New Brunswick. TJ liked Stephanie’s teachings so much he chose to pursue his 200 hour Yoga teacher training with her. From there he continued with her 100 hour Chakra training and 100-hour Restorative Yoga training, completing his 500-hour training in 2015.

In November of that year TJ completed a 30-day solitary self-guided meditation retreat at Milarepa Center in Vermont.

TJ Maher