Yin Yoga

Our Yin Yoga Auckland classes are designed to reduce tightness, increase flexibility & change your body’s mobility. A relaxing class with no standing poses.

Multiple classes each week.

Yin Yoga Benefits

Improves flexibility and range of motion;

Releases fascia (the tough connective tissue wrapped around the body);

Improves the flow of chi (Chinese methodology) or prana (Indian methodology) by focussing on the meridians (or nadi’s) through the body;

Helps you to introspect during the longer held floor poses;

Teaches you how to slow down and helps you cultivate patience;

Can be a balancing practice for other sports (great for recovery days).

Balance & Mobility

Yin yoga classes are quiet, gentle and meditative, incorporating long held floor poses to nourish the joints and improve flexibility.

Yin yoga classes can also be very intense. The poses are held for extended periods of time to increase joint flexibility. And the use of props will help you reach deeper release.

Yin yoga is a powerful class that will make changes to the mobility of your body. Yoga experience is not required.

Is Yin Yoga right for you?

If you are super tight, this class is the ultimate way to increase flexibility.

If you are carrying injuries or overcoming illness, the use of props will support you as you heal or recover.

This is the class to relax, there will be no standing poses here!